Monday, April 27, 2009

In today's society, violence is an everyday occurence in lives all over the world. It is an essential part of almost any action movie, and, no matter how much we may oppose it, when the "right" person is on the receiving end of it, it is somewhat satisfactory to watch. Violence is also a difficult thing to avoid. Every day, no matter what news channel, or what newspaper, the stories that make headlines usually involve a violent event or its aftermath. In recent months, Vancouver has been plagued by all-too-frequent gang-related shootings. Overseas, two wars are being fought in the Middle East, and there are third world countries that are still forcing children to become soldiers. Violence is something that has always been around, of course, but nowadays, violent acts can be reported from all over the globe, just in case the violence occurring in your own backyard isn't enough. There is no doubt that the media has contributed to violence in our society. However, the debate is how significant an impact the media has actually had on our society. The Entertainment Industry has also thrived on society's demand for violence in entertainment. Violence is often used as a means to get things done, or to get one's way. No one can deny that threats of bodily harm by another, physically intimidating person, can be an incentive to make sure that person gets their way. Also, the effectiveness of bullying probably provides some satisfaction and a sense of power to the bully, encouraging them to use this tactic more often, and resorting to ever more violent means, which usually requires weapons, to get their point across. Violence is often used out of desperation, as a last resort. The prevalence and high profit of the drug industry in today's society also has contributed to violence. The gang killings in Vancouver are believed to be drug-related, as well as infinite other murders over the decades. When money is involved, some people will go farther than you could have ever expected to get their payoff. Money and power are probably the most destructive possessions mankind could pursue, and violence is almost always a factor.